
Polyamory and Open Relationships Therapy

In Wollongong and Online

Evolve from feeling uncertain in managing your various partnerships to celebrating each relationship with confidence and fulfillment.

Do you feel overwhelmed by managing multiple partners' needs and expectations in your polyamorous or open relationships?

Maybe you’ve experienced a significant breach of trust, like a partner not adhering to agreed relationship boundaries, or perhaps jealousy has surfaced, unsettling the balance and causing tension among partners. You may be finding it increasingly difficult to balance the emotional needs of multiple partners, or simply feeling drained from the ongoing effort to communicate effectively. Perhaps you’re feeling isolated or misunderstood, unsure how to navigate the complexities and emotional challenges of your relationship dynamics.

Challenges in your polyamorous or open relationships are resonating through your entire life:

 Miscommunications can create tension and conflict, making it difficult to maintain strong connections with others. This can also impact social interactions and performance in professional settings, as the inability to express thoughts and feelings clearly may lead to frustration and strained relationships both at home and at work.

When jealousy is left unaddressed, it can cause significant emotional turmoil, leading to stress and anxiety. This emotional strain can spill over into other aspects of life, affecting mental health and putting additional pressure on personal and family relationships. 

Inconsistent or poorly defined boundaries can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, undermining the sense of security that is vital for healthy connections. Without clear boundaries, both partners may struggle with feelings of uncertainty and mistrust, which can impact their overall well-being and the stability of the relationship.

The issues you’re encountering go beyond typical relationship ups and downs; they expose deeper complexities in managing multiple relationships, such as balancing different emotional needs, ensuring clear communication, and handling jealousy within your polyamorous or open arrangements. Acknowledging these challenges is the first critical step towards enhancing your relational dynamics and overall life satisfaction. This journey will equip you with tailored strategies that honor the distinct desires and boundaries of everyone involved, promoting stronger, more transparent communication and more effective management of jealousy. Together, we will work to refine your relationship strategies, ensuring that each connection thrives on its own terms and contributes positively to your collective happiness.

Polyamory and Open Relationships Therapy can help.

Right now, it may appear daunting, but you can develop trust and transparency across all your relationships. You can enhance intimacy and satisfaction with each partner. You can overcome feelings of insecurity and competition. And I can help you achieve these goals.

Polyamory and Open Relationship therapy helps you do 3 things:

Deepen Emotional Connections:


Explore and enhance the emotional depth of your relationships. Gain a better understanding of each partner’s emotional landscape, how it affects your dynamics, and ways to foster deeper, more meaningful connections.

Develop Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills:


Learn the tools and techniques that will help you resolve conflicts, communicate your needs clearly, and negotiate agreements that work for everyone involved.

Manage and Mitigate Feelings of Jealousy:


Gain insights and strategies to deal with jealousy constructively, ensuring it doesn’t undermine the trust and happiness in your relationships.

So what does Polyamory and Open Relationship therapy look like?

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to Polyamory and Open Relationship Counseling comes from a place of compassion and understanding: fostering a supportive environment where you and your partners can thrive. By addressing the unique challenges and dynamics of your relationships, we focus not on placing blame, but on understanding and navigating the complexities together. This journey will empower all involved to communicate more openly, manage emotions like jealousy effectively, and strengthen the bonds that hold your relationships together.

The Poly Puzzle: How Amy and George Found Their Perfect Fit

Amy and George sought therapy to navigate the complexities of their open relationship and rebuild trust. The couple had been exploring polyamory for two years, but recently found themselves grappling with jealousy and communication issues. Despite their commitment to ethical non-monogamy, they struggled to maintain a sense of security and clear boundaries. Amy often felt anxious when George spent time with other partners, while George worried about balancing his relationships fairly. They came to therapy hoping to strengthen their bond and find healthier ways to approach their open relationship.


Through their sessions, Amy and George made several important realisations. They discovered that their communication needed to be more transparent and frequent.

Not just about their other relationships, but also about their feelings for each other. They learned that jealousy, rather than being a sign of failure, was an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding. Most importantly, they recognised the need for clearer, mutually agreed-upon boundaries that respected both their individual needs and their commitment as partners.


As therapy progressed, Amy and George worked diligently on improving their communication skills. They practiced active listening and expressing their emotions without blame. They explored the root causes of their jealousy, often tracing it back to personal insecurities or unmet needs within their relationship. Together, they developed strategies to reassure each other and maintain their emotional connection, even when physically apart.

By the end of therapy, Amy and George had transformed their approach to polyamory. They established a robust system of check-ins and boundaries that made both feel secure and valued. Amy found herself feeling more confident and less anxious about George’s other relationships, while George became more attentive to balancing his time and emotional energy. Their relationship deepened, strengthened by their newfound trust and understanding. While they acknowledged that maintaining an open relationship required ongoing work, they now felt equipped with the tools to navigate challenges together.

Navigating open relationships can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you and your partner are seeking to strengthen trust and communication in your polyamorous journey, schedule a session at Intuitive Connection Counselling today. Let’s work together to create a roadmap for your unique relationship constellation.

Disclaimer: The stories presented here are based on real therapeutic experiences but have been de-identified to protect client privacy. These examples reflect actual therapeutic journeys at Intuitive Connection Counselling, offering insight into what therapy can look like and the progress that’s possible.

Jealousy and miscommunication don’t have to be your story.​

Not ready to book yet? Let's have a quick chat about your love landscape.

The Open Hearts Roadmap is for individuals or couples exploring or navigating polyamorous or open relationships who want to cultivate harmony, trust, and fulfillment in their unique love landscape. 


In this 15-minute navigation session, you’ll:

  • Map out your relationship constellation, getting a clear picture of your current connections and dynamics.
  • Explore effective communication strategies for managing multiple partners and relationships.
  • Identify key skills for nurturing trust and maintaining healthy boundaries across your love network.

So you can navigate your relationships with confidence, foster deeper connections, and create a fulfilling open love life.


Ready to chart your course? Book your complimentary Open Hearts Roadmap now by clicking here. Let’s explore how to make your relationships as open and harmonious as possible!

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Therapy sessions for Polyamory and Open Relationships are designed to provide a safe, non-judgmental space where all individuals involved can explore and address their unique relationship dynamics. We offer flexible session formats tailored to your needs, whether as individuals, couples, or even group therapy with all members of the polyamorous system. During sessions, we may use a variety of therapeutic techniques tailored to your specific situation, including communication exercises, conflict resolution strategies, and emotional processing. The goal is to enhance understanding among all partners, improve communication, manage emotions like jealousy, and strengthen relationship foundations. These sessions encourage open dialogue and offer support as you navigate the complexities of maintaining multiple relationships, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued.

A: he duration of therapy varies based on your specific needs and goals. For some, short-term therapy might be sufficient to address immediate issues or to develop certain skills, such as communication techniques or conflict resolution strategies. Others might benefit from longer-term therapy to deeply explore and effectively manage the complexities inherent in polyamorous or open relationships. The process is highly individualised, and we will work together to determine the length of therapy that best supports your relationship system. Regular evaluations will help us assess progress and adjust our approach as needed to ensure that therapy remains beneficial for everyone involved.

A: The success of Polyamory and Open Relationship therapy depends on several factors, including the specific challenges you are facing, your goals for therapy, and your willingness to actively participate in the process. This type of therapy is designed to address the unique dynamics and challenges of non-monogamous relationships, such as communication issues, jealousy management, and boundary setting. While no therapy can guarantee specific outcomes, engaging fully in the therapeutic process, being open to self-reflection, and applying learned strategies can significantly enhance your relationships and personal well-being. During our sessions, we will tailor approaches to your specific needs and continuously evaluate progress to ensure that the therapy is effective for you and all involved partners.

A: Getting started is simple. You can reach out via phone on 0489901504, email, or through my website to schedule an initial consultation. This first conversation is a chance for us to get to know each other, discuss what brings you to therapy, and how I can help. I’ll answer any questions you have and we’ll talk about what you hope to achieve. From there, we’ll schedule our first session and begin the journey towards a stronger, more connected relationship.